Indonesia Telephone Directory

Trace Indonesia Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 347 Indonesia Businesses on Pincode 35142. Indonesia has a population of 266,794,980 and there are thousands of businesses in Indonesia whose numbers are available for Indonesia Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Indonesia Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 347 businesses number on pincode 35142 in Indonesia.

Cell Number Business Name
6281390054577 Makanan Khas Lampung " EL-C'OIS Cakes & Snacks "
6281278306878 Bengkel Mobil Jogja Motor
62721706532 Perusahaan Umum Damri
6281271640484 Pempek Sidobasuki
6282182020487 A'am Jaya Tralis
62816500580 Indomaret Way Kambas
6285840611393 Npshop_bdl2
6282178132000 TOKO OLI RAJA RATU
6282379697943 Warung Kevin
6282282569679 TOWER ACCU
6289621301651 Nayla
6282372622227 Naura nirmalalita Sidosari natar
6281379555330 Sophie Paris
6285658814622 Pempek Bi' Nur
6272114041 ATM CIMB NIAGA (ATM Center Arief Rahman Hakim)
6285369816006 RAJINO SUSANTO
627218030012 ATM B196 bjb KK Darmajaya
622114040 Mandiri Syariah
622129228888 BII ATM Universitas Bandar Lampung
6221500046 ATM Bni
6285369816006 RAJINO SUSANTO
62721773630 CV.Si Mare Mare Jae
622152997755 Bank Syariah Indonesia Pp Bandarlampung Poltekes Tanjung Karang
6281279783299 Istana Bung Kodirman
Cell Number Business Name
62721706532 Perum DAMRI UABK Lampung
62214704979 Tiki Agen A008 Labuhan Ratu
6285269078750 Eko taman
6282175691730 Taman bunga najwa1
6281272941700 Redaksi Media Duta Lampung
6285609691424 PERMATA GAJAH MINI | Rumput Gajah Mini Lampung
62721708634 Sekolah Tunas Mekar Indonesia
6281379813475 Holland Bakery ZA.Pagar Alam
6289633928386 Fikranza Collection
6282183405588 Rumah pak DHE
62721773847 Bandar Lampung University
62721789825 Pascasarjana Universitas Bandar Lampung
62721704772 UPBJJ-UT Bandar Lampung
62721703570 Balai Pelatihan Pertanian Lampung
62721772816 Puskesmas Way Halim
628170731585 Kopi Kenangan - City Plaza Ramayana Lampung
62721780800 Mazda Lampung (Mimosa Mazda Lampung)
62721701222 Tango Hostel
627218012077 Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Kelas II Panjang
6282280047667 Sekolah Dasar Negeri 3 Labuhan Dalam Bandar Lampung
627217690060 SMP Negeri Terbuka 20 Bandar Lampung
62721706586 Indomaret Rajabasa
6289630647707 Pemancingan INTAN
6282282049889 Yayasan Pendidikan PATRIA (TK PATRIA/PKBM PATRIA)
6281279949997 Ayam Bakar Banjir



The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Indonesia like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Indonesia Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

  • Time Taken = 0.5101