Indonesia Telephone Directory

Trace Indonesia Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 203 Indonesia Businesses on Pincode 83562. Indonesia has a population of 266,794,980 and there are thousands of businesses in Indonesia whose numbers are available for Indonesia Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Indonesia Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 203 businesses number on pincode 83562 in Indonesia.

Cell Number Business Name
+62 819-0777-6555 Kantor Desa Murbaya
+62 823-3950-9842 Kantor Desa Pringgarata
+62 818-0361-8267 MA Swasta Nurul Hikmah NW Lendang Kelor
+62 819-1715-6254 SDN MURBAYA
+62 819-9997-0719 MA Swasta NW Pringgarata
+62 370 632645 Pos Indonesia. PT
+62 818-0373-9022 Posyandu Desa Murbaya
+62 878-6511-0121 MA Nurul Islam Dasan Baru
+62 823-5910-9969 Masjid Baitussalam Murbaya
+62 878-6413-0728 SMKN 1 PRINGGARATA
+62 813-3971-8789 Prima Budaya Jamur 2
+62 370 6660254 Kantorpos Pringgarata
+62 815-4766-8881 BMT ASH-SHAFF
+62 878-6466-6808 SDN Jurang Sate Pringgarata
+62 878-6484-2289 Wisata Jurang Sate
+62 878-6312-5490 Makam Jurang Sate
+62 819-1722-9621 Kantor Desa Sintung
+62 878-6401-1897 SMP Negeri 2 Pringgarata
+62 819-9919-3212 Lempenge, Desa sintung
+62 819-1731-0066 SD Negeri Esot
+62 370 8175766 MIS Al Ishlahul Ittihad
+62 818-0367-6167 Polindes Mekar Sari
+62 819-4113-387 POLINDES BAGU
Cell Number Business Name
+62 819-1717-5917 Taman Hutan Raya Nuraksa
+62 819-3622-1406 DR. MASKURI
+62 819-1725-4307 Posyandu Dusun Sepakek
+62 878-6564-2606 Ngiring Simpang Posyandu
+62 878-6555-6702 Posyandu Dasan Usman
+62 858-8618-4847 Praktek dr. Christina Nurhayati P.
+62 819-0787-0480 Sahabat Masyarakat
+62 818-0575-5812 Bidan Erni
+62 813-3911-7769 Institut Agama Islam Qamarul Huda Bagu
+62 878-6441-7905 SD Negeri Jerneng
+62 878-8372-0289 PT. Arminareka Perdana H. Saleh Hambali
+62 878-6466-5929 Posyandu/Polindes Desa Arjangka
+62 878-6557-5423 Lembah Ijo DAM Jurang Sate Desa Sepakek, Geo Site dr Geo Park Rinjani
+62 818-0522-2323 Wirya Mart
+62 858-5850-6171 Rumah tahfizh Qur'an Al-Kamal
+62 819-0709-6459 Pak Muhaidi
+62 370 654030 Pospol Pemepek
+62 817-363-994 SD Negeri Arjangka
+62 813-3950-1246 SMP Negeri 1 Pringgarata
+62 819-1709-1115 SDN GUNUNG AGUNG
+62 878-6425-0257 ON-R Shop
+62 878-6557-5423 KANTOR DESA SEPAKEK
+62 877-6597-0177 Gudang RENJANI
+62 818-0367-5763 Desa wisata sepakek
+62 878-6557-5423 Objek Wisata Desa Sepakek



The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Indonesia like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Indonesia Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

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